From the Desk of Hazzem Koudsi, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings.
It’s a busy time of year time where commitments are congested and demands on our time are tighter than any other point in the year. It’s during this time that we are asked to think of everything and everyone else above what we need.
Whether it’s year end business reporting, school holiday season pageants that require our presence, work events to celebrate the holiday season, friends getting together to share libations end exchange gifts or family gatherings – the pressure to give the most of ourselves is at its peak in December. It’s not easy juggling so many commitments and putting a smile on our faces. And we all know it isn’t enjoyable if it feels like an expectation. We should consider ourselves very fortunate to be in such demand! To have so many people and organizations around us that want our time and presence in their worlds. Of course, we know our children love us and are excited to be together with us this time of year. But that sentiment as a child continues with us into adulthood where we seek the comfort of others at the holiday season – to feel loved and appreciated and to have us as included as part of that comfort is recognition that we are wanted and needed in everyone’s lives.
It’s this sense of giving that gets lost in all the holiday season mayhem. That sense of pride to share our time and wealth where possible to make others feel better. The holiday season is about reflection in the year that was and hope for a prosperous and healthy new year. To be included in those circles where the sentiment to give our time, effort, friendship, and love should not be a chore – it should be treasured. Giving makes us feel good on the inside. It should put a smile on our faces. It should make others feel good. And that’s the holiday season in a nutshell. Give so much of ourselves that we feel great and make others feel appreciated and loved. That’s the Holiday Season spirit! I can’t wait to see all the smiles all month long!!