From the Desk of Hazzem Koudsi, CEO of Habitat for Humanity Prince Edward-Hastings.

The smell of fall is in the air, and with that excitement of returning to the classroom. Whether that looks like a college or university lecture hall, or advancing to a new grade in our elementary/secondary school systems, we all have a role to play in the change of season.
For parents, it’s a happy moment where we share our pride and joy of how our children are growing up to become contributors to our society and economy. We are reminded of the days when we started a new school year. New jeans and running shoes, new notebooks and pencil cases and a new outlook on life that builds on the previous years. A sense that we are maturing and contributing to the social arena.
For kids, it’s much the same but with many more nuances thanks to the speed of communication through social media. The challenges to focus in the classroom given the distractions of cell phones and other modern technologies. The pressure from society to get great grades for fear of being left behind. The growing realization that the financial world is far more complicated and challenging than previous generations. The beginning of an awareness that they may not be a homeowner in their lifetime and thus grappling with a range of potential side effects.
Now more than ever, we need to focus on the importance of housing and affordable homeownership to give our future generations a chance to enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. Our generation is passing the baton of life to them and it’s my goal that we give them hope through working to solve the housing crisis. This in turn will support them to thrive and have a sense of accomplishment in their lifetime, which based on safe, decent, affordable and sustainable housing.
Habitat for Humanity helps provide affordable homeownership opportunities to hard working families in our community. A great way to help our community is by volunteering in our stores or on build projects that help keep our costs down and maintain affordability in our home ownership programs. And don’t forget that we sell really cost-effective solutions to shared housing furnishing needs!